論文・著書一覧 List of Publications

雑誌論文(査読付) Journal Papers

  1. Morita, M., Otsu, R. and Kawasaki, M. (2023): Brainwave activities reflecting depressed mood: a pilot study. Scientific Reports, 13, 41598.
    [doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-40582-y]
  2. Wu, Y., Morita, M. and Izawa, J. (2022): Reward prediction errors, not sensory prediction errors, play a major role in model selection in human reinforcement learning. Neural Networks, 154, 109-121.
    [doi: 10.1016/j.neunet.2022.07.002]
  3. 染野翔一,堀江和正,丹野智博,森田昌彦(2019): 選択的不感化ニューラルネットによる特徴量の有効性の分析, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), J102-D, 8, 567-574.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  4. Ichiba, T., Horie, K., Someno, S., Aki, T and Morita, M. (2019): Application of a selective desensitization neural network to concept drift problems, Journal of Signal Processing, 23, 4, 145-149.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  5. Furutate, M., Fujii, Y., Morita, H. and Morita, M. (2019): Visual feature integration of three attributes in stimulus-response mapping is distinct from that of two, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 35.
    [doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00035]
  6. 藤井佑実子,森田昌彦,森田ひろみ(2017): 刺激の位置を含む複数属性と反応のマッピング学習,Vision, 29(4), 129-144.
  7. 堀江和正,末光厚夫,丹野智博,森田昌彦(2016): 選択的不感化ニューラルネットによる表面筋電位からの手首関節角速度推定, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), J99-D, 6, 617-629.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  8. Kobayashi, T., Shibuya, T. and Morita, M. (2015): Q-learning in continuous state-action space with noisy and redundant inputs by using a selective desensitization neural network, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 19, 6, 825-832.
  9. 篠塚正成,森田昌彦,設楽宗孝(2015): 神経活動の解析に基づく腹側線条体の強化学習機能のモデル化, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), J98-D, 9, 1277-1287.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  10. Tanno, T., Horie, K., Kobayashi T. and Morita, M. (2015): Effect of patten coding on pattern classification neural networks, International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, 5, 4, 339-343.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  11. Ishizaki, T., Morita, H. and Morita, M. (2015): Feature integration in the mapping of multi-attribute visual stimuli to responses, Scientific Reports, 5, 9056.
  12. 小林高彰,澁谷長史,森田昌彦 (2015): 選択的不感化ニューラルネットを用いた連続状態行動空間におけるQ学習, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), J98-D, 2, 287-299.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  13. Horie, K., Suemitsu, A. and Morita, M. (2014): Direct estimation of hand motion speed from surface electromyograms using a selective desensitization neural network, Journal of Signal Processing, 18, 225-228.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  14. Tanaka, F., Takahashi, T. and Morita, M. (2013): Tricycle-style operation interface for children to control a telepresence robot, Advanced Robotics, 27, 1375-1384.
  15. 野中和明,田中文英,森田昌彦 (2011): 階層型ニューラルネットの2変数関数近似能力の比較, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), J94-D, 12, 2114-2125.
    [概要] [reprint (PDF)]
  16. Yamane, K. and Morita, M. (2010): Brain-like computing based on distributed representations and neurodynamics, New Generation Computing, 28, 321-338.
    [preprint (PDF)]
  17. 新保智之,山根 健,田中文英,森田昌彦 (2010): 選択的不感化ニューラルネットを用いた強化学習の価値関数近似, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), J93-D, 6, 837-847.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  18. Morita, M., Morokami, S. and Morita H. (2010): Attribute pair-based visual recognition and memory, PLoS ONE, 5(3), e9571.
  19. 宮澤泰弘,末光厚夫,森田昌彦 (2007): 選択的不感化理論に基づく海馬ニューロン活動のモデル化, 日本神経回路学会誌, 14, 3-12.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  20. 山根 健,蓮尾高志,末光厚夫,森田昌彦 (2007): 軌道アトラクタを用いたパターンベース推論, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), J90-D, 933-944.
    [reprint (PDF)]
  21. 蓮尾高志,山根 健,森田昌彦 (2006): 神経力学系間の相互作用に基づく文脈依存的時空間パターン処理, 情報科学技術レターズ, 5, 139-142.
  22. 森田昌彦,村田和彦,諸上茂光,末光厚夫 (2004): 選択的不感化法を適用した層状ニューラルネットの情報統合能力, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J87-D-II, 2242-2252.
  23. 末光厚夫,諸上茂光,森田昌彦 (2004): 下側頭葉における文脈依存的連想の計算論的モデル, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J87-D-II, 1665-1677.
  24. 諸上茂光,末光厚夫,森田昌彦 (2003): 嗅周皮質の可塑性に基づく受動的連合形成のモデル, 日本神経回路学会誌, 10, 123-129.
  25. 末光厚夫,諸上茂光,森田昌彦 (2003): 選択的不感化原理に基づく文脈依存的ニューロン活動のモデル化, 情報科学技術レターズ, 2, 149-152.
  26. Morita, H., Morita, M. and Kumada, T. (2003): Integration process of contours defined by different attributes, Cognitive Brain Research, 15, 324-327.
  27. 森田昌彦,松沢浩平,諸上茂光 (2002): 非単調神経素子の選択的不感化を用いた文脈依存的連想モデル, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J85-D-II, 1602-1612.
    [概要] [reprint(PDF)]
  28. 末光厚夫,諸上茂光,森田昌彦 (2002): 下側頭葉ニューロンの想起活動に関する計算論的考察, 日本神経回路学会誌, 9, 174-180.
    [Abstract] [全文(PDF)]
  29. Morita, M. and Suemitsu, A. (2002): Computational modeling of pair-association memory in inferior temporal cortex, Cognitive Brain Research, 13, 169-178.
    [Abstract] [reprint(PDF)]
  30. 末光厚夫,森田昌彦 (2001): 下側頭葉における対連合記憶の神経回路モデル, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J84-D-II, 718-727.
    [概要] [全文(PDF)]
  31. 森田昌彦,村上 聡 (1998): 非単調神経回路網による時系列パターンの認識, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J81-D-II, 1679-1688.
    [概要] [reprint (PDF)]
  32. 森田ひろみ,森田昌彦 (1998): 色と形の統合における局所結合の働き, 心理学研究, 69, 358-366. [Abstract]
  33. Morita, M. (1996b): Computational study on the neural mechanism of sequential pattern memory, Cognitive Brain Research, 5, 137-146.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  34. Morita, M. (1996a): Memory and learning of sequential patterns by nonmonotone neural networks, Neural Networks, 9, 1477-1489.
    [Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  35. 森田昌彦 (1995): 非単調ダイナミクスを用いた時系列パターンの連想記憶, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J78-D-II, 679-688.
    [概要 / Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  36. 森田昌彦 (1994): 非単調ダイナミクスを用いた時系列パターンの学習, 日本神経回路学会誌, 1, 69-74.
    [Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  37. Yoshizawa, S., Morita, M. and Amari, S. (1993): Capacity of associative memory using a nonmonotonic neuron model, Neural Networks, 6, 167-176.
    [Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  38. Morita, M. (1993): Associative memory with nonmonotone dynamics, Neural Networks, 6, 115-126.
    [Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  39. 森田昌彦,吉澤修治,中野 馨 (1992): 非単調ダイナミクスを用いた構造をもつパターンの連想記憶, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J75-D-II, 1884-1891.
    [概要 / Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  40. 森田昌彦 (1991): 側頭葉短期記憶力学系の神経回路モデル, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J74-D-II, 54-63.
    [概要 / Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  41. 森田昌彦,吉澤修治,中野 馨 (1990): 自己相関連想記憶の想起過程とその改良, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J73-D-II, 232-242.
    [概要 / Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  42. 森田昌彦 (1989): 連想記憶の海馬モデル, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J72-D-II, 279-288.
    [概要 / Abstract] [reprint (PDF)]
  43. 森田昌彦,花泉 弘,藤村貞夫,椿 広計 (1987): 統計的検定を用いたパルス状雑音の低減法 − 雑音検出アルゴリズムの改良,計測自動制御学会論文集, 23, 89-91.

国際会議発表論文(査読付) Proceedings of International Conferences

  1. Ichiba, T., Horie, K., Someno, S., Aki, T and Morita, M. (2019): Application of the selective desensitization neural network to concept drift problems, Proceedings of the 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, SPM1-3-3.
  2. Someno, S., Horie, K., Ichiba, T., Aki, T and Morita, M. (2019): Improving time series prediction by the selective desensitization neural network based on synaptic weight analysis, Proceedings of the 2019 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, SPM1-3-5.
  3. Tanno, T, Horie, K., Izawa, J. and Morita, M. (2017): Robustness of selective desensitization perceptron against irrelevant and partially relevant features in pattern classification, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2017), 520-529.
  4. Horie, K., Suemitsu, A., Tanno, T. and Morita, M. (2016): Direct estimation of wrist joint angular velocities from surface EMGs by Using an SDNN function approximator, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2016), 28-35.
  5. Sasaki, D., Izawa, J. and Morita, M. (2015): A computational approach to detect a meta-learning of the cortical basis function during a motor adaptation study, Proceedings of the 26th 2015 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science, doi:10.1109/MHS.2015.7438244.
  6. Kobayashi, T., Shibuya, T. and Morita, M. (2014): Q-learning in continuous state-action space with redundant dimensions using a selective desensitization neural network, Proceedings of the Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, 801-806.
  7. Tanaka, F., Takahashi, T., Matsuzoe, S., Tazawa, N. and Morita, M. (2014): Telepresence robot helps children in communicating with teachers who speak a different language, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014), 399-406.
  8. Horie, K., Suemitsu, A. and Morita, M. (2014): Direct estimation of hand motion speed from surface EMG using selective desensitization neural network, Proceedings of the 2014 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing, 661-664.
  9. Tanaka, F., Takahashi, T., Matsuzoe, S., Tazawa, N. and Morita, M. (2013): Child-operated telepresence robot: a field trial connecting classrooms between Australia and Japan, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013), .5896-5901.
  10. Takahashi, T., Morita, M. and Tanaka, F. (2012): Evaluation of a tricycle-style teleoperational interface for children: A comparative experiment with a video game controller, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2012), 334-338.
  11. Takahashi, T., Morita, M. and Tanaka, F. (2011): Operational feedback considering social contingency for robot teleoperation, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 234-239.
  12. Kawata, H., Tanaka, F., Suemitsu, A. and Morita, M. (2010): Practical surface EMG pattern classification by using a selective desensitization neural network, Neural Information Processing (Part II), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6444, 42-49.
  13. Suemitsu, A., Miyazawa, Y. and Morita, M. (2009): Model of the activity of the hippocampal neurons based on the theory of selective desensitization, Advances in Neuro-Information Processing (Part I), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5506, 383-390.
  14. Hasuo, T., Yamane, K. and Morita, M. (2008): Context-dependent processing of spatiotemporal patterns based on interaction between neurodynamical systems, Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, 231-236.
    [Full text (PDF)]
  15. Yamane, K., Hasuo, T. and Morita, M. (2008): Inference based on distributed representations using trajectory attractors, Neural Information Processing (Part II), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4985, 1065-1074.
  16. Suemitsu, A. and Morita, M. (2006): Neural network model of context-dependent neuronal activity in inferotemporal cortex, Proceedings of the 2006 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vancouver, 293-298.
    [Full text (PDF)]
  17. Morita, M., Murata, K. and Morokami, S. (2003): Context-dependent sequential recall by a trajectory attractor network with selective desensitization, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Minsk, 235-238.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  18. Morokami, S., Suemitsu, A. and Morita, M. (2002): A model of implicit association learning based on plasticity in the perirhinal cortex, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Singapore, 1135-1139.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  19. Suemitsu, A., Morokami, S., Murata, K. and Morita, M. (2002): Computational examination on the dynamics of recall activity in the inferior temporal cortex, Proceedings of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Honolulu, 136-141.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  20. Suemitsu, A. and Morita, M. (2000): A model of memory formation in the pair-association task, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Taejon, 2, 915-919.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  21. Suemitsu, A. and Morita, M. (1999): A neural network model of pair-association memory in the inferotemporal cortex, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Perth, 2, 790-794.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  22. Murakami, S. and Morita, M. (1999): Top-down and bottom-up processing of spatiotemporal patterns in a fully recurrent network of nonmonotonic neurons, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Perth, 3, 1118-1122.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  23. Murakami, S., Morita, M. and Sakamoto, N. (1998): Recognition of spatiotemporal patterns using a nonmonotone neural network with hidden neurons, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Kitakyushu, 1, 287-290.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  24. Morita, M. and Murakami, S. (1997): Recognition of spatiotemporal patterns by nonmonotone neural networks, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Dunedin, 1, 6-9.
    [Abstract] [Full text (PDF)]
  25. Morita, M. (1994): Smooth recollection of a pattern sequence by nonmonotone analog neural networks, Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, 2, 1032-1037.
  26. Yoshizawa, S., Morita, M. and Amari, S. (1992): Capacity and spurious memory of associative memory using a non-monotonic neuron model, Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Brighton, 2, 445-448.
  27. Yoshizawa, S., Morita, M., Doya, K. and Amari, S. (1991): Analysis of dynamics of an associative neural network with a non-monotonic output function, Proceedings of the 1991 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Espoo, 1, 255-260.
  28. Morita, M., Yoshizawa, S. and Nakano, K. (1990): Memory of correlated patterns by associative neural networks with improved dynamics, Proceedings of the 1990 International Neural Network Conference, Paris, 2, 868-871.

著書 Books

  1. 脳の高次機能 (丹治 順・吉澤修治編),朝倉書店(2001).
  2. 脳科学大辞典 (甘利俊一・外山敬介編),朝倉書店 (2000).
  3. Brain and Mind (M. Ito ed.), Elsevier (1997).
  4. 脳と計算論 (外山敬介・杉江 昇編),朝倉書店 (1997).
  5. 脳から心へ − 高次脳機能の解明に挑む (宮下保司・下條信輔編),岩波書店 (1995).
  6. 脳とニューラルネット (甘利俊一・酒田英夫編),朝倉書店 (1994).
  7. Associative Neural Memories (M. Hassoun ed.), Oxford University Press (1993).
  8. ニューロコンピュータの基礎 (中野 馨ほか著),コロナ社 (1990).
  9. BASICでつくる脳の情報システム (知能システム研究会著),啓学出版 (1987).

その他の論文・解説記事 Others

  1. 森田昌彦: 連想記憶とアソシアトロン,Clinical Neuroscience, 34,, 8, 921--924 (2016).
  2. 森田昌彦,末光厚夫: 対連合記憶の神経回路モデル,神経研究の進歩, 45, 317-327, 医学書院(2001).
  3. 森田昌彦: 連想記憶の神経回路モデル,科学, 61, 223-230, 岩波書店 (1991).
  4. 森田昌彦: 記憶の海馬モデル,コンピュートロール, No. 24, 46-52, コロナ社 (1988).


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